Friday, November 13, 2009

Thanksgiving Dinner - Look Smart!

Ah, the holiday season. So warm and welcoming with candle lit dinners, warm cozy fireplace settings, family and friends reuniting and delicious once-a-year foods like egg nog and pumpkin pie. Welcome to the beginning of the Holiday Season. I can taste the turkey already, can't you?

What seems like a wonderfully nostalgic time of year quickly turns into the mayhem of "who's hosting, what are you bringing, what can I bring, so-and-so doesn't eat seafood, what else can you make, my kids are sick (can they still come?) and what time should I be there?" (no, it's not just your family, it's everyone.) It can become a daunting task.

OK, so reality sets in and you realize you now have a lot on your plate. So, stop, take a deep breath and remember what the spirit of Thanksgiving is all about; an American celebration of family, friends and traditions over a wonderful homemade meal. Focus on making memories not over-planning. While the premise of Thanksgiving is vast, the meal should be simple. Simplicity is key.

Bishop's Orchards has been helping families manage their Thanksgiving meal plans for six generations and 2009 will be no different. Below are Bishop's Orchards recommendations for Thanksgiving meal preparation and planning. To simplify your life, please see our meal preparation checklist and order form for delicious Thanksgiving meal dishes. On this form you will find items like Mashed Potatoes, Apple Butternut Soup, Petite Rolls, D'Artagan turkeys and pies that can be delegated to Bishop's Orchards for preparation . . . . there, now you can take a few items off your list and focus on having a memorable time. Won't you look smart!

1.) Keep it simple - keeping your plan simple will allow for you to enjoy yourself throughout the day.

2.) Be inspired by local markets and seasonal vegetables - stop by any of the Top 10 Places to Harvest a Connecticut Grown Thanksgiving to be inspired by fresh produce and meats that will make a fresh, mouthwatering and memorable meal. Bishop's was selected as one of the top 10!

4.) Select your appetizers: start a new tradition; make your 1st course a selection of cheeses from Bishop's cheese counter. Allow your guests to try new flavors that they wouldn't normally select. Come in and ask one of our cheese specialists for recommendations and pairings.

5.) Select your soup: Generally soup is labor intensive however, it is always a nice warm welcome as a second course. Pick up Bishop's Apple Butternut Squash Soup or Pumpkin Bisque for you. (go ahead, take the credit, your guests will think that you've taken cooking classes!)

6.) Select your main course: Whether D'artagan Turkey or Ham, Bishop's will order it for you.

7.) Select your side dishes: Check out Bishop's Orchards Farm Market for the Freshest Produce* (*Shoreline Times Best of 2009 Winner) to use for your side dishes, or let us make them for you.

8.) Select your dessert: Make your Apple or Pumpkin pies with the freshest ingredients from Bishop's Orchards or let Bishop's make the pies for your guests.

9.) Choosing Beverages & Serving Wine - Visit Bishop's Orchards Winery wine bar to learn which Connecticut Wines will go best with the meal that you are preparing. Our staff will be eager to help you with your selection. Ensure you have enough beverages for your guests on hand. Our own fresh Apple Cider is a perfect accompaniment to your holiday meal and Mulled Cider is always a great ending to any meal. Check out our incredibly easy recipe on Bishop's Orchards Farm Market Facebook Page - recipes page.

NOT MAKING THE MEAL? Don't show up empty handed. As you can see, your host/hostess has gone to a lot of trouble to make your Thanksgiving meal memorable. Please don't show up empty handed.

HOSTESS GIFTS: Bishop's Orchards has many host/hostess gifts for you to bring to the Thanksgiving meal. From Gift Basket and Gift Cards to Award Winning Wine to beautiful Autumn Flowers and Bouquets, we can help you put together a gift that your hostess will appreciate and remember for years to come.

Lastly, as a reminder, focus on simplicity and let Bishop's Orchards help you with your meal preparation. Your guests will be so impressed that you have extra time to mingle while making the meal. Won't you look smart!!

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